Plateaus in weight loss are very common. According to the dictionary, a plateau is “a relatively stable level, period, or condition.” Stability is usually a good thing. But when you’re trying to lose weight, staying the same can be very frustrating.
What is a plateau?
Trying to lose weight, but the scale doesn’t seem to budge? You might be at what we call a weight loss plateau. Let’s dig in to see if you are truly experiencing a plateau, and how we can help you get back on track with your goals! Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Has my weight been about the same for at least 3 weeks?
- Have my lean body mass and fat mass been the same for at least 3 weeks?
- Have my eating and activity routines been consistent? In other words, have I snacked more? Grazed? Used portion control and followed the Balanced Plate?
- Am I exercising less?
If you can honestly say that nothing in your behavior has changed, then it is likely you’ve hit a plateau. There’s good news! You can and will get through it.
Use these tricks to get the scale moving again:
- Up the intensity of your exercise routine.
- Choose a different form of exercise.
- Take a close look at your daily food intake. Make sure you are making balanced choices, and eating at the right times. Be mindful of portion sizes.
- Focus on your pace of eating. Limit distractions like the TV, eat with your non-dominant hand, and check in with your hunger cues.
- Decrease your focus on the scale. Instead, aim your attention on other measures of success. Consider factors like how your clothes fit, your energy level, and how well you’re sleeping.
- Make attempts to relax and stay positive. Avoid negative thoughts that may get in the way of weight-loss goals.
- Keep a list of wins. Take a look at them when you are feeling frustrated with the scale.
- Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have.
Remember, weight-loss plateaus are common. You will get through it. And when you do, you’ll have one more win to add to your list!