Keep up with the good work with your blood sugar checks! Regularly checking your blood sugar is the best way to see how you are managing your diabetes. You can find all your checks in one place with the logbook feature on your meter.
What is a logbook?
The logbook is where you can find all your previously logged blood sugar checks.Your meter can store up to 1000 checks in its memory. Access the logbook by clicking the “View Logbook” button on your meter home screen.
What patterns should I look for in my logbook?
Patterns are trends in blood sugar readings. These trends help you and your healthcare provider find the correct solution for frequent high or low blood sugar. Here are some patterns to look for in your logbook.
Frequently high blood sugar. Do you see high blood sugar readings at the same time of day? Before or after the same meal?
Frequently low blood sugar. Do you notice frequent low blood sugar readings? Is it at the same time of day? At the same meal? Do you have the same symptoms?
An unusual blood sugar reading. Do you notice a blood sugar that is much higher or lower than your usual readings? What things could have affected this reading? Was your meal or meal timing different? Did you do a different activity? Was it during a time of extra stress?
What information can help me look for patterns?
Using meal tags. Use the proper meal tag for checks around mealtime. This will let you sort your checks by meal. Using meal tags show if your blood sugar tends to be high or low around the same meal.
Logging insulin. If you are using insulin, track it with your meter. Log your dose of insulin with the mealtime tag screen. Note: Insulin options will only display if you have enabled Insulin in Settings.
Using feeling tags. Use feeling tags with each check. These tags will show any patterns of how you are feeling at certain times of the day, around certain meals, or after exercising.
Tracking food. Keep track of the foods you eat. Tracking your food can show if certain foods or drinks affect your blood sugar.
Reminders. Setting reminders on your meter can alert you when it is time for a check or take medications. If you need more help setting up reminders, check out this article.