Ask a Coach
Expert coaches answer your most important questions about managing your health.
- What is prediabetes, and can I cure myself of it?
- How should I store my medications when the weather's hot?
- I reached my goal weight! Now how do I maintain it?
- What are some healthy snack ideas for traveling?
- I want to start exercising. Where should I begin?
- I was told I have diabetes. What do I do now?
- How can I save time in the kitchen and still make healthy meals?
- Are there ways to avoid gaining weight in the winter?
- How do I achieve my New Year's resolution goals?
- How do I accept having to start insulin?
- How do I overcome my fear of needles and finger sticks?
- How important is breakfast?
- How does sleep impact my weight and health?
- How do I manage stress eating?
- How can I remember to drink more water?
- I've been walking and I can’t lose any weight. What should I do?
- What is intermittent fasting and is it healthy for me?
- How many carbs should I eat?
- What is the keto diet and is it safe for me?
- Exercise and Blood Sugar (video)
- How to Manage Stress and Hyperglycemia (video)
- When to Check Blood Sugar and What Targets to Aim For (video)
- Get the Most Out of Your Coaching Session
- How can I feel less alone when I'm self-isolating with COVID-19?
- What can I do to stop stress eating while I’m stuck at home?
- When should I check my blood sugar, and what are my targets?
- I’m stressed about COVID-19. How can I reduce anxiety?
- What can I do to stay active at home?
- Should I snack between meals? What are the best snacks to eat?
- What is A1c and what can I do to lower It?