Between shopping, travel and more, it can be hard to stay active during the holidays. But with so much on the calendar, there’s even more reason to move your body. Besides helping you reach health goals, being active is also a useful tool in managing stress.
Here are seven ways to keep active around the holidays:
Schedule active time
You’d put a party or holiday dinner on the calendar. Why not your yoga class or walk around the park? Putting it on the schedule helps make that time a priority.
Go shopping
Sure, you can buy most things online. But an in-person shopping trip also requires you to get moving. It’s win-win! Start with a brisk walk around the store before you hunt for bargains.
Walk the airport
Travel can mean a lot of waiting. Instead of sitting before a flight, walk the length of the terminal. This will also help you burn some energy so you’re less fidgety when it’s time to sit on the plane.
Look for it
Need a hotel? Look for one with a gym or a safe place to walk nearby. And be sure to ask family if they’d want to be active together. A group hike or bike ride could be a fun way to bond and reach your fitness goals.
Squeeze it in
Movement doesn’t have to take up a major part of your day! A quick 10-minute workout, jog up a flight of stairs, or run at the park with the kids can help you move in small doses.
Dance it out
Whether it’s at a holiday party or just in your living room, put on some festive tunes and move like nobody’s watching.
Walk in a winter wonderland
Seek out some scenic spots like the beach or a lake when the weather is cooler for a different view than you’d get in the spring or summer. Even if it feels cold to start, you’ll warm up as soon as you start moving!
No matter how you move, regular activity can help you manage blood pressure, blood sugar, stress and more. There’s no better holiday gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.