We’re here to help make managing your health easier. That’s why we’ve partnered with LetsGetChecked. Now, we can offer eligible members an easy way to do important health tests. Members can take certain health tests on their own time, from the comfort of their home.
Here we’ve provided details on our at-home test program: how it works, what to expect and how to access your results. To learn more about the tests we offer, check out the FAQs below.
Our partnership with LetsGetChecked
Who is LetsGetChecked?
LetsGetChecked is a leading healthcare solutions company transforming how people engage with their health. They offer easy-to-use at-home test kits to collect samples from the convenience, comfort and privacy of home. Learn more about LetsGetChecked.com.
Are the results accurate?
Yes. LetsGetChecked uses the same certified labs as primary care providers and hospitals. Their laboratories are CLIA approved and CAP-accredited, which are the highest levels of accreditation.
How is my privacy protected?
Keeping your personal data secure is our priority. Check out our Notice of Privacy Practices to learn how Teladoc Health keeps your data safe. LetsGetChecked also uses appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure security and confidentiality of your information. They only share your information where required or where they have a legal basis to do so. All samples are disposed of following analysis.
Getting an at-home test kit
Who is eligible for an at-home A1c test kit?
We provide at-home test kits to people with health plans or employers that sponsor this offer. If you’re eligible, you’ll get an opt-in message on your blood glucose meter. After tapping, “Yes, ship it to me,” you’ll get an email with next steps. If you aren’t sure if you’re eligible, contact Member Support at 800-945-4355.
Is there a cost?
We offer at-home test kits at no cost to you. No cost for the kit, no cost for shipping and no cost to return your completed kit.
What if I already get my tests done at my doctor’s office or at another lab?
Our kits don’t have to replace the care you receive from your doctor. Think of them as an extra layer of support or another checkpoint to track your progress in between visits and tests with your doctor.
How can I opt in to receive a kit?
If you’re eligible, we’ll contact you asking if you’d like to opt in to receive an at-home test kit. You’ll receive a message on your blood glucose meter. Tap, “Yes, ship it to me!” Just be sure to check your blood sugar regularly so you don’t miss the message. If you receive an email, you’ll be able to opt in by following the directions in the email.
How do I update my mailing address so my kit goes to the right place?
Just sign in to your member account and go to “Profile & Preferences” under your name. There, you can update your shipping address. Don’t forget to hit the “Save Account Settings” button below the form fields.
When will I receive my kit?
After you opt in, LetsGetChecked will ship an at-home test kit to the address you have on file with us. You’ll get an email with tracking details. We estimate your kit should arrive within three to five business days.
Taking the test
How do I complete my test?
Your kit comes with a step-by-step guide that outlines how to collect your sample.
How long does it take to do the test?
Once you opt in, we recommend scheduling a day and time to complete the test. If this is your first time doing an at-home test, we suggest setting aside 30 minutes. It may not take you that long, but it will give you enough time and space to read through the instructions carefully.
When should I take the test?
The sample must be collected in the morning, on a Monday - Friday, and returned on the same day. This helps to avoid any issues with processing your results.
How do I return my kit?
Once you’ve taken the test, send it back to the lab in the prepaid mailer. It’s important to send your kit back on the same day you complete test to avoid any issues with processing your results.
Accessing your results
When will I receive my results?
You can expect to receive your results by letter within 2-5 days.
How can I access my results?
You’ll get a letter in the mail from LetsGetChecked with your results. We’ll also email you once your results are available on your member account.
I got my results. Now what?
First, we encourage you to share your results with your doctor regardless of what they say. Together, you can decide your next steps. Next, we encourage you to connect with one of our expert coaches. You can message a coach, or schedule a one-on-one session to discuss your results and create a personalized plan that focuses on your goals.
Can I share my results with my doctor?
Yes! We encourage you to share your results with your doctor. Members often only share the good results. Even if your results aren’t what you wanted or were expecting, we still encourage you to share them. That way, you and your doctor can work on getting you to where you want to be.
All you have to do is access your results on your member account. From there, you can choose the option to share with your doctor.
Who can I contact if I need help understanding my results?
You can contact LetsGetChecked at 866-688-2701. Their team of board-certified physicians is available to explain your results and provide guidance. They may even contact you if your results are abnormal. We also encourage you to talk to your doctor. Together, you can decide on next steps.
What happens if you cannot process my test results?
Sometimes, the lab is unable to process test results. Some reasons include:
- Insufficient specimen. This means that there wasn't an appropriate sample to perform testing on. The most common cause for this is that the sample was too small.
- Aged sample. This means that the time between collecting your sample and the lab receiving it exceeded the maximum time that your sample would remain stable. Samples must be collected and returned on the same day.
- Collection error. This may happen if you don’t follow the instructions correctly. Adding the sample to the wrong tube, misplacing a crucial kit component, adding extra swabs to the tube, or breaking the swab at the wrong point could create an error in the collection process.
If your test result was not processed, we encourage you to try again. We’ll ship a new kit to you at no cost to you.
Finding support
Who can I call if I have more questions?
If you have questions about shipping, your test kit or the result, call LetsGetChecked at 866-688-2701. Teladoc Health doesn’t make or process the test kits, so we can’t address specific questions about them.