For many of us, weekends can be the perfect chance to recover from the stress of our busy weeks. But with less structure and more social events like parties and restaurant meals, weekends can also challenge your wellness efforts.
Of course, it’s okay if you fall off track with your health goals from time to time. But, weekends come around too often to dismiss. Learning how to manage the hurdles that weekends send your way will help you get the long-term results you’re looking for.
Here are a few tips to help you stay focused on health over the weekend:
Make the Days Count. Keep in mind that the weekend makes up more than a quarter of your week. Your body doesn’t know whether it’s Tuesday or Sunday; it just knows if you’re consistently making healthier choices. Those two days can derail the progress you’ve made during the rest of the week if you decide “weekends don’t count.” But, taking them seriously can help make reaching your goals reality.
Get a Healthy Start. Begin your weekend with a balanced breakfast. Make a point of exercising early on. Whether you get in an early-morning walk or a bowl of yogurt and berries, these activities start your weekend on the right foot and empower you to make other healthy choices.
Eat Every 3-4 Hours. If you’re busy over the weekend, it can be hard to remember to stop for fuel. But it’s important to eat regularly to keep your blood sugar balanced. Skipping meals can lead to eating more in the long run. Plan ahead by keeping snacks like almonds, trail mix, or a healthy bar on hand.
Stick With the Balanced Plate. Make your meals 50% non-starchy veggies, 25% protein, and 25% carbs. Any day of the week, it’s an easy way to structure the way you eat.
Be Prepared to Dine Out. Eating at a restaurant means less control for you. But, you don’t have to miss out on the fun of dining out to stick with your health goals. There are steps you can take to enjoy it and still feel great.
Combat Boredom Eating. Too much downtime can lead to more snacking. But some weekends are quiet, and that’s okay. Try planning out meals ahead of time so you have a plan to stick with. Remind yourself to eat while seated at a table, rather than on the couch or while standing. And finally, always check in with your hunger before you grab a snack.
Make Weekend Chores Your Workout. If cleaning the house is on your weekend to-do list, turn it into active time. Dance with the vacuum instead of just pushing it back and forth. Do squats when you are cleaning low spaces. Throw in some inclined push-ups against the counter while putting dishes away. You’ve now checked both chores and exercise off your list!
Find Social Ways to Exercise. Making exercise a time to catch up with friends can make you more likely to stick with it. Go hiking with your family, sign up for dance lessons with your partner, or play a basketball game with some buddies.
It is possible to enjoy your weekends and meet your wellness goals. If you’re struggling with anything specific, schedule a session with your coach. He or she can help you troubleshoot and find solutions that will work for your life.