Are you ready for your Walking Challenge? Your mission is to add a 10-minute walk to your day. Try this at least once a day for 5 days.
Get Started
Your Livongo mobile app makes it easy to track your steps. Go to the app home screen and follow the instructions to link your steps.
How to Carve Out Time
Sure, we should all be exercising more. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Luckily there are some simple tricks you can use to add 10 minutes of walking to your day.
- Set your alarm just 10 minutes earlier to give yourself time for a wake-up stroll.
- If you bus into work, get off a couple stops early so you can build in a 10-minute walk.
- Schedule a 10-minute walk in your calendar as an appointment.
- Plan to walk on your lunch break when you know you’ll have the time.
- Ask a coworker to join you for a “walking meeting.” You can talk shop while you walk.
- Make a routine of taking a quick 10-minute walk after dinner with a loved one or on your own for some “me time.”
Keep Coming Back
You’ll learn more about the benefits of walking, the health risks of sitting too much, and more expert tips for adding activity into your day. Keep checking your messages and logging your progress in the app.
Active, energetic days are just around the corner!