Checking in with your care provider is important. Even more so when you’re managing a condition like high blood pressure! Here are eight ways a visit to the doctor can support your health:
Double-check your BP readings
Monitoring your BP at home is a valuable tool. It’s useful to check in with your doctor for an in-office BP check too. Your provider’s office staff can make sure you’re using the best checking technique. Their results can also help validate your home monitor for accuracy.
Set individualized goals
One size does not always fit all when it comes to BP reading goals. Depending on your level of risk and other factors, your doctor may want to create different goals for you. You can partner with your provider to decide on the goal that makes the most sense.
Get medication management
Hypertension pills are useful tools to help manage blood pressure. However, going on medication is just one step. It can take some trial and error for your doctor to find the right med (or meds), dose and more that can best help you.
Learn Rx strategies
Trouble remembering to take your pills? Wondering if you’re taking them on the best schedule? Be honest with your provider about what has been challenging for you. They can help you come up with a better plan.
Personalize your eating plan
The foods you eat, from breakfast through dinner (and snacks) can help lower your BP readings. Your provider may be able to point you in the right direction—or send you to a dietitian or coach who can.
Tailor your activity
Any way you can get your body moving can help manage blood pressure. Walking, yoga, climbing—there are so many options. Talking out the options with your provider can help you commit to a plan.
Share your symptoms
If you’re feeling unwell, it’s worth sharing with your doctor—even if it doesn’t seem related to blood pressure. Your provider’s job is to learn more about your experience. This allows them to better help you manage your condition (or conditions) and minimize symptoms and side effects.
Voice your concerns
Only you know what it feels like for you to have high blood pressure. A visit to your provider gives you space to say what’s on your mind. With their support, you can begin to find solutions and live your best life.