When your doctor tells you that you may have metabolic syndrome, you might not know what to think. Is this common or rare? What is it exactly? How come I’ve never heard of it? Metabolic syndrome is very common. It is a cluster of specific conditions that occur at the same time:
- Weight gain around the waist
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- High triglycerides
- Low LDL cholesterol
These conditions together may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The good news is that there are adjustments you can make to help reverse the condition. So you’ve just been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. What should you do now? Here are answers to some common questions:
What causes metabolic syndrome?
What are the conditions that make up metabolic syndrome?
What causes metabolic syndrome?
The most common causes of metabolic syndrome include obesity and lack of exercise. Another common cause is insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that breaks down sugar from the blood. Your muscles, liver and fat absorb the sugar to use as energy. Insulin resistance is when your muscles, liver and fat don’t absorb sugar from the blood properly. This raises your blood sugar levels.
What are common risk factors?
Other factors that may increase your risk for developing metabolic syndrome include:
What are the conditions that make up metabolic syndrome?
A doctor may diagnose you with metabolic syndrome when you have at least three of the following:
1. Weight gain around the waist—gaining weight specifically in the midsection is associated with metabolic syndrome.
2. Hypertension (high blood pressure)—when your blood pressure readings are above 130/80 mm Hg on a regular basis. Here are some useful resources about hypertension:
- Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure
So You've Just Been Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. Now What?
A Whole Person Guide to Hypertension
4. High triglycerides — triglycerides refer to different fats in your blood. Higher levels of certain triglycerides, like LDL (also known as the “bad” cholesterol) can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
5. Low HDL cholesterol —HDL cholesterol is often known as the “good” cholesterol. Check out these resources about cholesterol here:
Why is knowing you have metabolic syndrome important?
Knowing your diagnosis helps you understand your risk of developing other life-altering conditions. Having metabolic syndrome puts you at higher risk for developing conditions like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Knowing where you stand can help you and your care team act to improve your health.
How can you reverse metabolic syndrome?
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for metabolic syndrome. The good news is that there are adjustments you can make to help reverse the condition. You can work with your provider to come up with a tailored solution to help you keep your health on track. Your care plan may include some lifestyle changes or medications. Here are some useful resources to help you get started with new medications, diets, and exercise routines:
- A list of Beginner Workout Routines
- A list of Intermediate Workout Routines
- Your Heart-Healthy Exercise Plan
- 8 Tips for Juggling Multiple Medications
- Statins: What You Need To Know
- Your GLP-1 Starter Guide
- Everything You Need to Know About Blood Pressure Medicine