Eating well and staying active benefits the whole family. Sharing your health journey with your loved ones can help form new healthy habits. No matter where you are on your journey, invite the family along for the ride. Here are some ways to weave healthy habits into your family’s everyday life.
Plan meals as a family. Have everyone pick a favorite meal for the week. Browse cookbooks together to find new recipes to try. Plan build-your-own style meals. This includes dishes like tacos, personal pizzas and stir fries. These meals let everyone make it their own. Picking meals together can help find new family favorites to enjoy.
Get everyone involved with meal prep. Give each family member a task when prepping dinner. Assign kids age-appropriate cooking jobs. Have young ones wash fruits and vegetables. Or set the table. Older kids can help with more advanced cooking tasks. Have them slice or chop veggies. Open cans. Or stir dishes on the stove top with supervision. Getting your family involved in cooking can encourage trying new foods. Kids are more likely to try new meals when they have helped prepare them.
Eat together. Make mealtime family time. Put away phones and distractions. Eat together around the table. Family dinners are a moment to eat a balanced meal together and set a time to check in. Mealtime together is a chance to role model healthy habits and balanced plates. Schedules can get busy. Eating as a family is a dedicated time to reconnect and make new memories.
Get active. Set aside time daily to get everyone in the family moving. If busy schedules don’t allow for long periods of exercise time, break it up. Every bit counts toward getting more active. Take the dog for a walk. Do jumping jacks during commercial breaks. Take a neighborhood stroll after dinner. No matter how you move, staying active is good for you and your family’s health.
Plan family fun. Celebrate your family wins with a fun activity together. See a movie. Head out for a beach day. Spend the afternoon at the park. Make a running list of activities the whole family wants to do. This builds in more quality time together. Planning a family activity gives everyone something fun to look forward to.
Be open and honest. Share your wins and setbacks. This can encourage your family to do the same. Share your appreciation for their support. Acknowledge the healthy choices and habits they are setting for themselves. Allowing space for sharing can keep up the momentum for your health journey.