Ask a Coach: How many carbs should I eat?
This is a great question. There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to healthy eating. The most important factor is finding what works best for you. The amount of carbs you should eat per meal and snack is personal. It’s based on your health goals, medications, and blood sugar targets. The general guideline is about 45 grams of carbs per meal for women and 60 grams per meal for men. But again, this amount may be more or less, depending on your goals.
The type of carb you choose is important. Aim for high-fiber, nutrient-dense foods like fruit, whole grains, legumes, and low-fat dairy.
For the most support, schedule a coaching call. A coach can help you build a plan that’ll best meet your needs and goals. Finding what works for you is, above all else, the most important thing.
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