Cravings happen! There’s nothing wrong with delighting your taste buds with the occasional treat when the mood strikes. The key is to stay in the driver’s seat instead of letting those cravings take the wheel.
Follow these four easy steps to help manage your cravings for treats:
1. Delay
Cravings come and go. Notice your craving, and then tell yourself you can have that food — later. By avoiding the reflex to eat right away, you may find the craving passes.
2. Distract
Some cravings happen because we’re tired, sad, stressed, or feeling other strong emotions. If this is the case, find an activity that meets your emotional needs. Call a friend, take a walk, or read a book before reaching for a snack.
3. Deflect
Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Try a glass of water or a cup of tea. If that doesn’t work, this is a great time for a non-starchy veggie. Chances are your body needs more produce. Make sure your body’s nutritional needs are being met.
4. Downsize
If delaying, distracting, and deflecting haven’t worked, it’s totally fine to honor your craving. First, ask yourself if there is a healthier option you can choose that would meet your needs. If you’re craving potato chips, would popcorn do the trick? If not, move on by having a small portion of the food you are craving. Even just a couple bites could satisfy your craving.
If you choose to have the food you’ve been craving, enjoy that small serving and move on! There’s room for treats, especially when you’re using the 4 D’s to manage your cravings.