Highly processed foods can creep their way into your diet, even when you’re trying to make healthier choices. Here are some of the top healthy food imposters — and healthier food choices you can make instead:
Granola Bars
They contain healthy whole food ingredients like oats and nuts, but can be loaded with sugar, oil, and additives.
- Instead try: ¼ cup walnuts and 2 tsp raisins
Fruit Juice
Fruit is a whole food. But to make fruit juice, factories remove the fruit’s fibre. And that leaves you with lots of excess sugar and no fibre ― just like a soft drink.
- Instead try: Seltzer with lemon
Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter
Peanuts are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. But when food companies remove some of the fat for “reduced fat” products, they replace it with added sugar.
- Instead try: 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
Instant Oatmeal
Oats are a high-fibre, heart-healthy food. Instant oatmeal is simply oats cut into smaller pieces so they cook quickly. But most are flavoured, adding far more sugar and sodium than you might be expecting.
- Instead try: Rolled or steel cut oats prepared with water and topped with fruit
Gummy Fruit Snacks
Just because it says “fruit” on the label doesn’t mean it’s healthy! Many are made with corn syrup, fruit juice, and food coloring along with fruit puree.
- Instead try: Frozen grapes or blueberries
Treat your body to the real thing. Enjoy these healthier foods that will energize and satisfy you!