So you’re trying to drink more fresh water. Excellent! But how do you make water your go-to choice when sugary drink options are all around you?
Make Your Environment Work for You
You may have heard about “choice architecture” before. The idea is simple: Make good choices the easy choices. Keep temptations out of sight, out of mind, and keep healthy options well within reach.
Need some ideas to set yourself up for success with easy drink choices? Here are some tricks to get you started:
Make Water More Convenient
- Keep a pitcher of water on your kitchen counter.
- Have a water bottle ready to go in your car.
- Keep another bottle of water at your desk or break room.
- Set an alert on your phone or work computer reminding you to stop by the watercooler.
Make Sugary Drinks Harder to Get
- If you have lemonade, pop, or fruit juices, store them in the back of your fridge.
- Store nonperishable juices or drink mixes in out-of-the-way cupboards.
- Change your commute just a bit to dodge your usual coffee shop (and that syrupy latte).
- When shopping, try to pass up the high-sugar drinks. Load up your cart with sugar-free options like flavored seltzers and pure bottled water.