It’s time for your Water Challenge! Your mission is to drink a glass of water instead of a sugary beverage. Or, if you only drink water anyway, add an extra glass. Try this at least once a day for 5 days.
The Beauty of Water
You already know water is needed for life to exist. You probably even know that our bodies are made up of mostly water. We need water to stay healthy and balanced. But here’s something you may not know: Drinking lots of water can keep your energy, blood pressure, blood sugar, mood, and hormones at healthy levels! Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body.
Calories in Drinks
You might be surprised to learn how many calories are in your usual drinks. Coffee with a little cream in the morning? A can of pop at lunch? A beer after dinner? They can really add up. These drinks can come loaded with sodium, sugar, and even fat. A little treat once in a while is no biggie, but a daily routine with them could stand in the way of your health goals.
Why Curb Your Sugar?
Sure, you know refined sugar isn’t good for you. It can lead to weight gain and, after a sugar rush, can sap your energy. And for folks who have diabetes, the sugar in food and drinks can cause trouble for our blood sugar levels.
Hidden Sugar Bombs
You know those sugar packets at restaurants? Imagine pouring 10 of them into your mouth and eating all that sugar. That’s roughly how much sugar is in just one 355 ml can of soda!
You wouldn’t eat that much pure sugar, but you might be drinking it. Common sugary drinks include:
- Pop
- Fruit juice
- Energy drinks
- Sweet tea
- Sports drinks
- Juice boxes
- Lemonade
- Fruit punch
- Beer
- Wine
- Coffee drinks with added syrups or sweetened creamers
Give your body the kind of fuel it knows how to use: pure water!
Get ready to feel refreshed as you complete this challenge!