Making heart-healthy food choices are one of your best weapons against heart disease. Start following a healthy eating pattern today!
Eat Real, Whole Foods
Focus on eating a variety of whole foods that are rich in nutrients, such as vegetables and fruits. If you don’t already, try adding some fish, such as salmon and trout, to your weekly diet. A heart-healthy eating pattern also includes whole grains, low-fat dairy, skinless poultry, lean meats, beans, eggs and unsalted nuts and healthy fats.
Get Inspired
Get inspired to try a heart-healthy eating pattern like the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, or even a plant-based diet. You’ll find your meals are centered around a variety of colorful foods. You may even inspire your family and friends to join you on the journey.
Limit Nutrient-Poor Foods
To keep your heart healthy, limit your intake of saturated fat, sodium and added sugars. These ingredients are typically found in processed foods. Start reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists to learn what you’re consuming.
Consider Food Prep
Once you’ve made the decision to buy healthy foods, follow through by preparing the foods in healthy ways:
- Bake, grill, or broil meat rather than frying it.
- Cook using healthy fats such as olive oil.
- Add flavor using herbs and spices rather than salt, sugar, or packaged sauces.
- Be mindful of portion sizes. Slow down and enjoy your food.
Follow these principles as much as possible when you’re at restaurants. Opt for steamed, grilled, or baked dishes. Ask that your meal is prepared with less salt and with sauces on the side. Choose vegetables for side dishes. And save half your meal for tomorrow.